An Online Career Resource
For Professionals In
Higher Education
About Higher Ed Career Coach
Higher Ed Career Coach offers career planning advice and services targeted toward the needs of higher education professionals.
Sean Cook, the publisher, lead writer, and career coach, spent 15 years working in Student Affairs before establishing this website and coaching practice in 2009. He brings over 25 years of experience from both sides of the hiring table.
Other contributors include educators, scholars, hiring managers, Human Resource practitioners, and other experts on career development, resume writing, and interviewing.
Professionals can apply the guidance and perspectives shared here to advance in their Higher Education Careers.
The Blog features advice articles, first-person perspectives, interviews, book reviews, news, announcements, resources, and other information geared toward helping educators advance in their careers. Click on the Latest Post tab to read recent entries.
The Coaching page includes information about coaching packages, interview coaching, and writing services (Resume and CV Development).
The Resources page links to professional associations, online tools, and other resources for career planning, continuing education, and professional development.
At the Store, you’ll find products and services offered by Higher Ed Career Coach, including e-books, workbooks, and videos. On occasion, items from other select vendors, or affiliate links to other online stores (Amazon, etc.) may be featured.
Check the links below for
some of our great content:
- Cover Letters: 6 Reasons You Should Write One, Even If You Feel It’s a Waste of Time
- How To Overcome Your Phone Interview Hang-Ups: 10 Tips for Success
- Staking Your Claim: Convergence, Working the “Long Tail” and Defining Your Personal Brand
- Know Your Network, Grow Your Network: Why You Need to “Get” LinkedIn
- Salary Negotiation and Poker: Start With the Hand You’re Dealt: Unique Value Propositions