Welcome to Job Hunt Round 2: Electric Boogaloo!
For the record, I have no idea where that reference came from, nor do I know what an Electric Boogaloo actually is. But it sounds like fun, and I am determined to have fun with reentering the job search process. I’ve done the whole placement conference thing, and experienced the whole multiple rejection thing. Had that soul-crushing moment where two of my top three schools rejected me within the same two hour span. And… now I’m over it.
So now I’m starting the search over again, but it feels like a lot less pressure this time. There’s no cramming 10+ interviews into two days. There’s no rush to schedule, research, pack, travel, interview, et cetera. Although I know that for many positions I’m competing with up to 50 applicants again, I’m not forced to sit in a room with them before my interview and wonder how we compare. And there’s none of that added stress of wondering if you’ll be rejected or not and what it will be like. I’ve been rejected. It’s not fun. But I’ve learned it’s not the end of the world either.
I’ve mostly run out of schools to apply to in my original, admittedly small, geographic preference area. Several supervisors and mentors have shared insights about other places in the US that might fit what I’m looking for in a climate. (That would be no earthquakes, floods, hurricanes, or tornadoes.) So I’ve expanded to truly have a nationwide search, and have found some interesting opportunities that I wouldn’t have found otherwise.
As I said in an earlier post, I am lucky to not have anything in life that keeps me tied to a certain area. Though my original search area overwhelmingly rejected me, I still have 47 other states with opportunities. And there are still positions being posted!
So many people tried to tell me that life wasn’t over after placement conferences. That those were not the be-all, end-all of job postings. It was hard to believe that during placement conference season when the Twitter streams, Facebook statuses, and real-life conversations of all my friends revolved around Oshkosh and Chicago. But I have found that although the number of postings has slowed since late February, they have not stopped. Jobs are still opening up, and that is promising as well.
So far I’ve found a couple more jobs that I’m interested in, and am sending out another batch of applications tomorrow. It’s a lot more laid back to be in round two. There’s not as much pressure, there’s not as much stress, and there’s even more support and parking lot pep talks than round one. Besides, if I don’t find a job until August I’ve got all summer to travel, sleep, and learn to surf.
[Editor’s Note: Shannon’s a millennial, so she is too young to really know what the early days of rap and break-dancing were all about. For readers in a similar state of ignorance, “Electric Boogaloo” is a reference to Breakin’ 2: Electric Boogaloo, a movie where break-dancing brings enemies together to save their neighborhood from a bunch of “suits.” Apparently boogaloo is also a type of Latin music and a type of lyre or harp, like King David played in the Bible. The things you can learn from the internet!]
[Editor’s note, part 2: Shannon will be a guest on the Higher Ed Career Coach BlogTalkRadio show Friday April 16 at 11 am EST. We’ll be discussing rejection and starting over in your job search. We’ll also be talking to Stacy Oliver about”parking lot pep talks” and other ways to help job seekers stay encouraged. Bryan Koval will be co-hosting, and I will try to sound smart, say practical things, and not make up to much stuff. Listen in and call in with your job search questions or comments, as they relate to rejection and starting over. Here’s the URL: http://tobtr.com/s/1009384 ]
Shannon: Thanks for being so open and sharing how your process is (and isn't) going. You're right…it is hard to see in that moment that there is “anything” beyond all of the placement conferences, but yes, life does exist out there. As someone who is also searching myself, I can say that I am pleasantly surprised by how positive my search experience has gone despite not going to the placement conferences that fit for my area of student affairs/level. What I can say is this: build your network and grow those mentors and references. These are truly people who will help you get an interview, push you beyond the other candidates, and people who can help others make the final hiring decision. For each of the places that I've applied to, I have some kind of connection there through my network, so I can work “that angle” to try to further my candidacy. Will it work? Don't know that it will “work” to get me a job offer with every school (that would be out of this world, but also statistically a relative impossibility), but I know that it helps me as a professional because I've reinvested in my network and that goes farther than a lot of jobs do.
Best of luck, keep us informed!
This might sound ironic coming from someone who is also still job searching, but one sure way to avoid having your hopes dashed by placement conferences is by not relying on them to begin with!I've applied for jobs that have had over 200 applicants. I can do nothing but be patient and confident.
Hi Sean. Can you email me your resume? I have a lot of contacts and really like your blog as well as your intelligent comments / discussion. Perhaps I can be of help…
Thanks Jamie,
I appreciate the kind words. Will e-mail it shortly. In the meantime, you can check out my BusinessCard2 at <script type='text/javascript' src='http://businesscard2.com/api_1.php/api/embedScript?customerDomain=higheredcareercoach.businesscard2.com'></script>