Last Friday, I was glad to have my friend Mark Dykeman from ThoughtWrestling.Com on my BlogTalkRadio show. We talked about how job seekers could use mind-maps to plan their job search or to come up with a strategic plan for their career.
Mark recently released an e-book called Unstuck, Focused and Organized. I bought it, and have found it is really helping me focus my thoughts on some new programs I’d like to offer, set (or revise) some of my priorities, and basically get my act together. He’s running a great promotion this week on the e-book, the e-book plus interviews with Chuck Frey, Michael Martine, Chris Brogan and Dave Navarro, and all of the above plus one hour of consulting with Mark. Follow the affiliate link above to find out more.
Mark also made a generous offer to give away a copy of his e-book to support an idea I thought would be cool. So this week I am challenging readers to create their own job search or career-planning mind-map and share it. Embed it in your blog or send me a link via e-mail to It can be about any part of your search and how you hope to approach it, Just start with a central idea and then explode it, deconstruct it and see where it takes you.
I did a basic mind-map on Prezi that illustrates the Life Purpose Process and its different parts, to give readers and idea of the basic parts of the coaching model I use with clients. The model was put together by Fern Gorin and taught through her Life Purpose Institute.
Thanks for interviewing me, Sean! Good luck to whoever wins the giveaway!