You know, there are many, many cartoons that depict a seeker going to the mountaintop to ask a wise guru for advice, only to be met with questions. The punchline here shouldn’t be lost on you…this is how people learn.
How to Tell a "Who-Do" from a "Guru": Part 1
I don’t know if it’s something in the water or the air lately, but I’ve been in several internet conversations recently about “gurus” and how to differentiate them from the posers out there, as you seek advice for whatever ails you, life-wise, career-wise…whatever-wise. I’m not sure who stuck something in the internet’s collective craw, but now I can certainly tell you that my craw has been stuck. So allow me to spill some wisdom on you. I seem to have lost my Band-Aids ® and well…these thoughts have to go somewhere. (Beg pardon. Excuse me. So sorry about your new shoes.)
It's the End of the World as We Know It, And I Feel Fine
Have you set aside aspects of yourself as you pursue the “next steps” in your career? Are there ways to incorporate these aspirations and skills into your current job? What risks are you willing to take to create more fulfillment in your life and career?