When people around you at work are being negative, it’s tempting to join in, but the result could be a toxic work environment thats difficult to climb out of. What can you do to keep from being dragged down into that dark place? And what should you do to remove negativity from your life and […]
Establishing Positive Relationships at Work
Developing positive relationships is one of the biggest challenges professionals face when starting a new role or moving into a new work environment. When you are new, you don’t know what norms have been established, who will be helpful (or who won’t), and you’ll likely find yourself wondering when to share information and perspectives, when […]
The Game I’m Playing: Putting Your Purpose to Work
I work primarily with educators because we (and society) routinely undervalue what we do, and we normalize it by accepting conventional wisdom and ways of doing things that are just plain wrong. The rules, as we are taught to accept them, limit the potential of those participating in the system, by strictly defining who can or cannot play, who is allowed on certain turf, and what rules apply, whether they make sense or not. Kind of reminds you of the times in elementary school when no one picked you for kickball, right? Well, that happened to me a lot, so I stopped playing kickball.