A while back I posted that I was looking for someone to help with some of the site development tasks and social media efforts related to Higher Ed Career Coach and my other websites (Primarily AthensGACareerCoach.Com). The initial interest and buzz on Twitter soon gave way to the sound of crickets chirping, and the application deadline passed without anyone applying. (Insert sad face here.)
I set the idea aside for a while, because I have been busy with clients, their resumes, and other issues, figuring that if there wasn’t any interest, I would just keep doing what I have been doing, and hope for the best. Then, in late January, I received a tweet from Melissa Judy, asking if the position had been filled. We struck up a conversation over Twitter and then e-mail and I told her how she might apply.
Not long after, I received her application and interviewed her over Skype, and I can honestly say she is exactly what I have been looking for in an intern. Melissa brings experience as a writer and content developer, as well as the perspectives of a somewhat non-traditional learner to the table.
Melissa graduated from George Mason University with a bachelor of arts in English in 2004. She
continues to support her fraternity, Zeta Tau Alpha, as an alumna member. Upon graduating, she spent time in the Army, but was injured in basic training and unfortunately had to be chaptered out. She then spent 4 years as an emergency veterinary technician before rediscovering her love of academia. While working in veterinary medicine, she met and married an Army officer before moving to Daytona Beach, FL. While there, Melissa worked in the Alumni Relations office at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University as a Communications Specialist. In addition to her alumni duties, she consistently volunteered to work with the Student Activities Office there and greatly enjoyed working with undergraduate students.
In the fall of 2010, Melissa began pursuing an online master of science in higher education administration at Drexel University and expects to complete her degree in August, 2012. Her interests lie in Greek Life, student leadership, alumni relations, communications, orientation and first year programs.
As a military spouse, she realizes that working in higher education may prove difficult with consistent relocation, so she hopes to secure a telecommuting position with a fraternity or sorority national office, or with another higher education non-profit organization. She is a member of the Association of Fraternity and Sorority Advisors (AFA) and National Association of Student Personnel Administrators (NASPA). She will serve as a graduate intern at the Association of Fraternal Leadership and Values (AFLV) western conference in April. She currently lives in Monterey, CA while her husband pursues a master of business administration degree at the Naval Postgraduate School.
Over the remainder of the semester, I’ll be working with Melissa to develop some new resource pages and anchor content, and teaching her the ins and outs of running a small business blog. Please welcome Melissa and congratulate her on her new position. She can be reached at melissa@higheredcareercoach.com
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